This monthly mini-retreat series will focus on creativity, intimate connections with other vibrant, exciting women, and the opportunity to take time for yourself. Get creative, be artistic, and gain new inspiration as a collective group. The mini-retreat is an afternoon for relaxing and having fun while enjoying life’s pleasures. You have permission to indulge in an afternoon of creativity and laughs. Each month will focus on a different craft idea or experiment, with this first one encouraging you to bring a craft you have already started. It could be scrapbooking, painting, crocheting, knitting, cross-stitching, sewing, wreath making, working with beads, or any other craft you have already started or want to start. If you currently do not have a craft project to bring, purchase one of our mini craft kits for an additional cost after arrival.
We also have a year of growing, learning, and relaxing opportunities to share with you. You won’t want to miss Cozy Connections and Crafting, a Mini Afternoon Retreat @WoodedBliss. Let go and relax in the Woods.
Balance & Harmony 360² dba Balance Harmony Retreats promises to create meaningful retreats for women with intimate gathering places for peace, growth, and learning.
Welcome to WoodedBliss, located between Lincolnton and Maiden, North Carolina. An intimate gathering place tucked away on a 2.65-acre private property surrounded by pine trees. The home has a modern Frank Llyod Wright feel, uses traditional materials in new ways, and has a welcoming Pivot front door, signifying pivotal opportunities for peace, growth, and learning.
The pine tree is known for protection and forgiveness, and in the Japanese culture, it symbolizes longevity, good fortune, and steadfastness. The tree can thrive in many parts of the world and live for centuries in harsh conditions to become a symbol of endurance. It’s associated with renewal, cleansing, and spiritual growth. Pine needles release a strong, fresh scent that clears the mind and purifies the spirit. As the tree releases pine needles and pine cones, it reminds us that despite the change of season, nature is growing and renewing itself. This thought reminds us that we can continue to grow and evolve regardless of any challenge we face. We have the strength and resilience to weather life’s storms.
Since this is our private property and we want to respect our neighbors, address and driving directions are sent after registration.
12:30 pm and ends at 4:30 pm.
Feel free to email me with any questions.
0 people are attending Cozy Connections and Crafting, Bring Your Own Craft Mini Retreat @WoodedBliss
0 people are attending Cozy Connections and Crafting, Bring Your Own Craft Mini Retreat @WoodedBliss