March 19
12:30 pm
2:30 pm
Complete Guide for Balance & Harmony; Foundation and Core! 1 of 6 Mini-Sessions
This 6-part series takes you through the Complete Guide for Balance & Harmony as you work through six main focus areas over six weeks. This series is in-person and located on our @WoodedBliss property. Instead of being overwhelmed with the process, we break down all the content in our mini-sessions.
All Session Dates
- Wednesday, March 19th – Session 1: The Foundation and Core
- Wednesday, March 26th – Session 2: The Transformation Process Part 1
- Wednesday, April 2nd – Session 3: The Transformation Process Part 2
- Wednesday, April 9th – Session 4: Transform You!
- Wednesday, April 16th – Session 5: Transform Work!
- Wednesday, April 23rd – Session 6: Transform Home!
The Dream
- Unplug from the daily grind
- Connect with a group of friends
- Embrace Change
- Get Organized
- Solutions out of the Chaos
The Plan
- Read a few short chapters before each weekly session and answer chapter questions
- Utilize our time together to go deeper into the topics
- Work through the F.O.C.U.S. Journal in between sessions (starts at the end of Chapter 11) and other Balance Tools
Measure of Success:
- Understand what you can do to make your life more balanced
- Before and after Wheel of Life
- How you feel at the end of the series
- More balance & harmony in your life
Session One of Six Included Topics – Foundation and Core:
- Embrace Change
- The 360² Philosophy
- Benefits of Brainstorming
- Understanding LIfe’s Frantic Chaos
- Solutions out of Chaos
Focus, Organize, Embrace Change! The Complete Guide for Balance & Harmony OWL Kit and Sessions utilizes the OWL (Organize With a Focus to Liberate) method, and was created to embrace change, face hard decisions head-on, and find organizational clarity utilizing simplicity. The OWL Kit comes with your workshop series and includes a book, workbook, F.O.C.U.S. Journal, and five tools that walk you through a systematic process with focus, intention, and balance.
The Complete Guide for Balance & Harmony Kit is included when you purchase the “six-session package” and comes in a decorative box. If you only sign up for this session, you only receive the items below in red.
- The Complete Guide for Balance & Harmony Book – Included with all sessions. The book is based on five helpful sections including the Foundation and Core, the Transformation Process, Transform You, Transform Work, and Transform Home.
- Complete Guide for Balance & Harmony Workbook – Included with all sessions. The workbook is a carefully designed questionnaire that allows you to go deeper at the end of each chapter with honest reflection and self-examination to achieve perfect balance and harmony in every aspect of work, home, and you.
- F.O.C.U.S. Journal – Only included in Session 4 The Transformation Part 2 or when you purchase the “six-session package.” For an additional charge, you can purchase the day of any session (bring cash for a discount). The journal starts at the end of chapter 11 of the Complete Guide for Balance & Harmony book and acts as a steering wheel to guide you with productive activities to plan for priorities and balance nine essential areas of your life.
- Balance Box– Only included with Session 3 The Transformation Part 1 or when you purchase the “six-session package.” This is a powerful exercise created to take you outside your comfort zone and provide a visual energizer to move you through the transformation process.
- Declutter the Brain—What is On Your Plate – Only included with Session 3 The Transformation Part 1 or when you purchase the “six-session package.” This tool encourages you to brain-dump all the craziness of work, home, and you. Once you acknowledge where you are right now, it helps to find peaceful resolutions.
- Transformation Map – Only included in Session 4 The Transformation Part 2 or when you purchase the “six-session package.” This tool gives you an easy, reusable one-page written plan format to reinforce ideas and focus on your priorities while adapting and changing with life. This keeps your goals in F.O.C.U.S.
- Two-Sided Energy Map – Only included with Sessions 4 and 5, or when you purchase the “six-session package.” One side is the Energy Map “Balancing Life” from Chapter 15 of the Complete Guide for Balance & Harmony Book, which focuses on nine crucial components of your life. The back side is the Energy Map “For Your Desk and Office” from Chapter 22 of the book. This side of the tool takes those nine pivotal components of your life and relates them to your environment.
- Transfer Cards – Only included with Sessions 4, 5 and 6, or when you purchase the “six-session package.” These cards are used as a reference guide for the transformation process at the end of the Transform You, Transform Work, and Transform Home sections of the Complete Guide for Balance & Harmony Book.
- Marker – used for the reusable Maps mentioned above and is included with them.
First Step
First, learn to organize and simplify all of life’s demands. With a key focus on all areas of your life, learn how to implement the nine-step transformation process. Life transformations happen when you address all areas of your life in a systematic process utilizing our 360² philosophy. This powerful philosophy centers on looking at work, home, and you with a 360² perspective. Keep in mind, work means many different things, and does not necessarily mean a 9 to 5 job.
Second Step
Second, everything is connected. When you focus all your energy on work, your home life tends to suffer. If you focus all your energy on home, your work life tends to suffer. And when you give all your energy to everyone else, you tend to neglect yourself. Life is a continuous movement where everything interconnects.
Are You Ready?
Undoubtedly, the search for balance requires a choice. Do you find yourself running in circles without accomplishing goals? Are you frustrated with the level of balance and harmony in your life? Do you want Focus that leads to results? This Complete Guide for Balance & Harmony Mini-Session offers a choice for something different.
“Balance is not about equality of time or effort expended on any part of life, but rather about maintaining an arrangement where an excessive emphasis on one part does not create stress in another, leading to a discordant, unsatisfying, and stressful whole.”
Balance Work, Home, You! Check out our Store
Our Promise
Balance & Harmony 360² dba Balance Harmony Retreats promises to create meaningful retreats for women with intimate gathering places for peace, growth, and learning.
Welcome to WoodedBliss, located between Lincolnton and Maiden, North Carolina. An intimate gathering place tucked away on a 2.65-acre private property surrounded by pine trees. The home has a modern Frank Llyod Wright feel, uses traditional materials in new ways, and has a welcoming Pivot front door, signifying pivotal opportunities for peace, growth, and learning.
The pine tree is known for protection and forgiveness, and in the Japanese culture, it symbolizes longevity, good fortune, and steadfastness. The tree can thrive in many parts of the world and live for centuries in harsh conditions to become a symbol of endurance. It’s associated with renewal, cleansing, and spiritual growth. Pine needles release a strong, fresh scent that clears the mind and purifies the spirit. As the tree releases pine needles and pine cones, it reminds us that despite the change of season, nature is growing and renewing itself. This thought reminds us that we can continue to grow and evolve regardless of any challenge we face. We have the strength and resilience to weather life’s storms.
Since this is our private property and we want to respect our neighbors, address and driving directions are sent after registration.
What’s Included
- Books and Tools mentioned for each session
- Notebook/Pens
- Desire for Learning
Feel free to email me with any questions.
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